About Us

PregnancyRisk is a Norwegian developed webservice and your trusted source for pregnancy-related risk assessments. We are a passionate team of students from the University of Bergen (UiB), working closely with Prof. Anagha Madhusudan Joshi-Michoel.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide accurate, science-backed information to expectant parents. The platform is built on the foundation of scientific research and proven medical insights to provide you with the most reliable information. Our platform offers a survey-based service that enables users to assess their risk levels for various pregnancy-related complications.

Technology & Stack

Our stack is built using React with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS, complemented by front-end libraries such as Material-UI and ShadUI for enhanced interactivity and design.The information collected through the surveys is not stored and used solely for the purpose of you calculating your risk assessment score.

Contact Us

For any questions or feedback, please contact us at: